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Sharjah Private Education Authority Courses

قياس تحصيل و تقدم الطلبة باستخدام الامتحانات الوطنية و العالمية

Shoua Fakhouri

Course Description

Training schools on how to

  • calculate students’ attainment based on the national and International benchmarking.
  • Track and evidence of students’ progress


Learning Outcomes

Attendees will be able to refer and use national and international benchmarking to evaluate students’ achievement based on the UAE school inspection framework.

Course Delivery

The training will be delivered online and will include breakout rooms for practical work. So there is a great need for technical support.


Shoua Fakhouri, School Improvement Advisor at SPEA



No certificates will be awarded

Here is the course outline:

Session 1

November 22,2022 at 11:15AM - 12:15PM

Session 2

November 24,2022 12:00-13:00

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