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Early childhood Certificate Program

ECEC المعلمين - الدورة الأولى: تنمية مرحلة الطفولة والأطفال

Enrollment for this course is currently closed.

Welcome to the Early Childhood Certificate Program for Teachers


The leadership program is at the heart of the change. Without well-educated, proactive, and motivated leadership, change cannot take place. Furthermore, the leadership of a school should have a firm understanding of early childhood pedagogy in order to be able to support their teaching faculty and enable them to change their attitudes towards teaching and learning and conduct fundamental change.

The purpose of this program is to provide the essential foundations of leadership development and explore what effective school leadership looks like. It identifies the key elements of school leadership that should be securely in place in order to be an effective leader.

The program explores effective leadership and examines international research on the subject. Participants are invited to reflect on their own leadership style and compare this to a range of alternatives and the likely impact such style has on their schools.


All good leaders have a vision of what they would like to achieve, and the practical elements of this program will support the development of a vision for the school or organization. Visions are outcome-based and leaders have to be able to plan strategically in order to make the vision a reality for students and the school community.





 Program Overview for Teachers

● Total hours of work 50 / module

● Contact sessions 8 - 10 h (each session includes: a discussion based on flipped learning, theoretical orientation, and assignment for practical work which will be reported in online platform)

● Independent study (15-20 h), including reading, assignments, and discussions on online platform

● Practical components (circa 20 -25 hours)

● Modules include summative assessment tasks related to the content of the modules.

● Working in digital learning environments is embedded in all the modules

Content of Modules

● 1 flipped learning video or text-based material students familiarize themselves before the contact sessions

● 1 theoretically oriented presentation with discourse questionnaire for the contact session

● 1 practical-oriented presentation with discourse questionnaire for the contact session and assignments reported in the online platform

● 1-2 readable texts with discourse questionnaire for the contact session and assignments reported in the online platform

Practical Elements

1) Clear practical assignments to conduct in participants own unit with their own class as part of each module. This is to help to bring the theory learned into practice immediately and therefore strengthening the connection and understanding and avoiding silo thinking.

2) Rotating internship in the model units with clear assignments for each internship visit to be reported in the online platform. This will not only broaden the participants overall understanding on different implementations of the curriculums and teaching methods, but also the different working cultures in different units. Furthermore, the rotation will build the participants professional network and provide peer-support in creating change in their own units.

3) Practical project work. The participants will embark on a practical development project in their own unit. They will identify the development need by discussing it with their principal, fellow teachers, students, and if possible with parents and create the framework for the project. Secondly, they will create an implementation plan and conduct the project during their studies. At the end of the project, they will report the project to the participants group by delivering a presentation.

Here is the course outline:

1. نظرة عامة على الوحدة الأولى

2. الوحدة الأولى: مرحلة الطفولة والأطفال في المجتمع

3. نظرة عامة على الوحدة الثانية

4. الوحدة الثانية: الأطفال كعناصر تنموية واجتماعية فعالة

5. نظرة عامة على الوحدة الثالثة

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