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Organizational Leadership

Hesham Metwalli
Enrollment for this course is currently closed.

Best Practices from Singapore


This course focusses on the dual processes of school self-evaluation and school improvement planning. In the UAE School Evaluation and Inspection Framework (SEIF) these two processes represent the content of Leadership Standard . Both self-evaluation and improvement planning occur within a specific context – namely, the school. Participants will obtain a comprehensive understanding of these processes in this course through presentations and by participating in individual, pair and small group workshops and by undertaking specified tasks. As the course progresses participants will use, design and construct school self-evaluation and school improvement tools and templates and over the duration of the course develop their own self-evaluation and school improvement plans.


Course Learning Outcomes

Participants will be able to:

·       develop an enhanced understanding of the complexity of the school as an organisation and how this impacts on self-evaluation and school improvement processes

·       apply understanding that cause and effect are not always linear, nor easily identified, to self-evaluation and school improvement efforts

·       choose and apply appropriate data and metrics for use with self-evaluation and school improvement processes

·       understand the relationship between self-evaluation and school improvement, and school improvement and continuous improvement

·       design and develop tools and templates to support self-evaluation and school improvement planning in their respective schools.


Course Schedule



Session Overview

Week 1

Analysing school self-evaluation and school improvement – Context

In this session participants:

·       are introduced to the concept of the school as a ‘complex and dynamic eco-system’;

·       develop understanding of this complexity, the importance of processes of self-evaluation and school improvement of robust information and data, and what measures (or ‘metrics’) should be used to assess performance (at a point in time, and over time);

·       develop understanding of the critical importance of the UAE SEIF, its standards-setting role, and the value such a framework brings in supporting evaluation and change;

·       participate in varied activities designed to increase their knowledge and understanding of the framework; and

·       gain insight into what is involved and required in the creation of a school improvement plan (SIP) based on the results of the self-evaluation process

Week 2

Understanding, choosing, and using data effectively for school self-evaluation and school improvement – Evidence based decision making

 In this session participants:

·       develop understanding regarding the importance of data literacy and evidence-based decision making;

·       gain insight into the processes involved in identifying priorities for improving performance in teaching, learning and student wellbeing;

·       enhance their understanding regarding assessment reliability and validity;

·       gain insight into trend (time-series) data and its fundamental role in monitoring improvement and setting appropriate targets;

·       gain insight into setting priorities based on performance data and in determining the relevant assessment tools/strategies to collect data; and

·       develop understanding regarding undertaking an audit of the data sets collected or acquired in a school.

Week 3

Evaluating how your school’s provisions and outcomes align with the UAE SEF criteria – A comprehensive and informed performance assessment

In this session participants:

·       acquire understanding regarding the basis, background and key elements in school self-evaluation;

·       review school self-evaluation policy “snap-shots” from different jurisdictions;

·           obtain insight into the quality levels and the distinguishing features and components from a judgement of school self-evaluation as weak through to outstanding.

Week 4

Setting targets, goals and achievement metrics – Measuring success

In this session participants:

·       gain insight into the development of SMART goals and the setting of appropriate targets;

·       develop understanding around aligning metrics to goals and targets and the setting of attainment metrics and progress metrics to assist monitoring processes;

·       review a number of sample school Values and Priority statements enabling them to obtain better insight into how different schools personalise the Values and Priorities they set for their schools; and

·       develop understanding regarding the setting of milestones and how to schedule milestones over a school year.


Week 5

Creating high standards and using benchmarking, with rigorous internal and external evaluations to measure performance and impact – Learning from the best

In this session participants:

·       gain insight and understanding regarding benchmarking as a policy strategy used by countries through international comparative assessment benchmarking programs;

·       develop understanding of the benchmarking process, the relationship between benchmarking and data analysis and how to develop a benchmark report; and

·       gain insight into the benefits of both internal and external evaluation in performance measurement, how to measure the impact of actions taken to improve results and how to report impact findings.


Week 6

Creating a continuous school improvement system from school improvement plans and strategies – Ongoing achievement

 In this session participants:

·       access insight, thinking and vignettes as examples of continuous improvement in practice;

·       reflect on what continuous improvement means in the context of schools;

·       review their own schools and assess their capacity to implement continuous improvement successfully;

·       develop understanding of the difference between continuous improvement and continual improvement as well as the processes involved in creating a school improvement plan;

·       review and discuss an example of school improvement considering a sample school’s plan, priorities and goals, benchmark data, targets, actions, allocated responsibilities and timeline for events and milestones; and

·       create a school improvement plan template for their own school.

Week 7

Applying the course content to your local context – Planning self-evaluation and performance improvement projects in your school

In this session participants:

·       synthesise the learning that they have had access to through previous sessions including important concepts, skills, tools and strategies for school improvement;

·       acquire understanding regarding the purpose and structure of school self-evaluation frameworks, the processes involved in developing a framework for their school and the communication strategies required to share the intentions and outcomes with the school and broader community; and

·       review a collection of sample self-evaluation conceptual models as exemplars and discuss and critique these.


Week 8

Course Conclusion:

Summative Assessment Tasks

The session is the concluding session for the course. The primary focus for this session is the summative assessment of participants’ understanding and skills acquired over the operation of the course from Session 1 through to Session 7.






Participants will be evaluated through active engagement in assigned assessments, tasks and activities to check for knowledge, synthesis and application of skills acquired through the course. Participants will be expected to engage in discussions with the other participants in the course and to individually develop materials to support their respective schools in self-evaluation and school improvement processes and efforts.



Course Requirements

·       Attend course sessions as determined by the calendar, activities and mode

·       Participate and contribute to class discussions and assigned tasks

·       Present school self-evaluation and school improvement material developed as part of the course

·       Complete all assigned tasks and assignments with minimum passing percentage (60%)

·       Submit completed assigned materials and tasks according to requirements specified by the Instructor.


Academic Honesty

Academic honesty is expected of participants enrolled in this course. Cheating on assessments, unauthorised collaboration, falsification of research data, plagiarism, and copying undocumented use of materials from any source, constitute academic dishonesty, and may be ground for a grade of F in the course and/or disciplinary action.




Here is the course outline:

Session 1

Sep 24 1pm .. 3pm

An Introduction to the concept of the school as a "complex and dynamic eco-system".

Session 2

Oct 8 1pm .. 3pm

Understand the importance of data literacy, along with key fundamentals to making appropriate data decisions

Session 3

Oct 22 1pm .. 3pm

Understand the basis, background and key elements in school self-evaluation.

Session 4

Oct 29 1pm .. 3pm

Develop a clear understanding of SMART goals and the setting of appropriate targets.

Session 5

Nov 5 1pm .. 3pm

Acquire insight and understanding regarding benchmarking as a policy strategy used by countries through international comparative assessment benchmarking programs.

Session 6

Nov 12 1pm .. 3pm

Get access to insights, thinking and vignettes as examples of continuous improvement in practice.

Session 7

Nov 19 1pm .. 3pm

Acquire understanding regarding the purpose and structure of school self-evaluation frameworks.

Session 8

Nov 26 1pm .. 3pm

The concluding session for the course. Checking student's understanding.

Assessment Tasks


The following certificates are awarded when the course is completed:

Certificate of Completion English
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